all postcodes in G68 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G68 9HN 66 49 55.928478 -4.051059
G68 9HP 6 6 55.927947 -4.051671
G68 9HQ 19 16 55.931725 -4.047677
G68 9HR 31 0 55.95226 -4.01909
G68 9HW 2 2 55.928538 -4.043123
G68 9HX 5 2 55.927736 -4.05515
G68 9HY 1 1 55.930005 -4.054639
G68 9JA 60 0 55.947999 -4.026812
G68 9JB 71 0 55.945874 -4.024924
G68 9JD 49 0 55.946247 -4.026256
G68 9JE 64 0 55.950033 -4.028312
G68 9JF 47 0 55.949776 -4.027514
G68 9JG 29 0 55.948184 -4.027607
G68 9JH 41 0 55.950873 -4.003898
G68 9JJ 41 0 55.950818 -4.005033
G68 9JL 36 0 55.945571 -4.026942
G68 9JR 12 1 55.946403 -4.0217
G68 9JS 86 0 55.946074 -4.02314
G68 9JT 51 0 55.945654 -4.020764
G68 9JW 41 0 55.946579 -4.027907