all postcodes in G71 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G71 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G71 6JH 0 55.823564 -4.056159
G71 6JJ 0 55.82318 -4.055532
G71 6JL 1 55.823762 -4.053488
G71 6JN 0 55.82287 -4.052547
G71 6JP 0 55.822393 -4.053128
G71 6JQ 0 55.821654 -4.054302
G71 6JR 0 55.821546 -4.0527
G71 6JT 0 55.821032 -4.051731
G71 6JU 0 55.821762 -4.051051
G71 6JW 1 55.8231 -4.053277
G71 6JX 0 55.822147 -4.051678
G71 6JY 0 55.82256 -4.050678
G71 6JZ 1 55.822976 -4.051051
G71 6LA 5 55.823572 -4.051119
G71 6LB 13 55.823869 -4.052455
G71 6LD 4 55.824427 -4.055395
G71 6LE 0 55.823368 -4.057139
G71 6LF 0 55.824083 -4.057368
G71 6LG 0 55.823555 -4.058362
G71 6LH 0 55.822482 -4.060668