all postcodes in G71 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G71 7ET 7 55.815885 -4.082333
G71 7EW 10 55.820566 -4.083203
G71 7EY 0 55.816828 -4.081008
G71 7EZ 0 55.815701 -4.08074
G71 7HA 4 55.813591 -4.079274
G71 7HB 0 55.81568 -4.079829
G71 7HD 2 55.817597 -4.081272
G71 7LS 17 55.819237 -4.082046
G71 7HE 2 55.818058 -4.081089
G71 7HF 3 55.818 -4.082427
G71 7HG 0 55.818173 -4.083841
G71 7HH 1 55.819397 -4.080586
G71 7HJ 2 55.816407 -4.084388
G71 7HN 0 55.817491 -4.08489
G71 7HQ 1 55.81911 -4.08429
G71 7HR 0 55.815751 -4.09257
G71 7HS 0 55.815852 -4.090089
G71 7HU 0 55.816382 -4.089859
G71 7HX 1 55.821688 -4.082768
G71 7HY 0 55.816482 -4.088188