all postcodes in G71 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G71 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G71 5NR 1 55.836656 -4.053624
G71 5NS 0 55.835036 -4.053747
G71 5NT 0 55.835568 -4.053663
G71 5NU 0 55.835812 -4.053069
G71 5NW 0 55.838319 -4.053089
G71 5NX 0 55.835915 -4.052244
G71 5PA 1 55.8357 -4.084252
G71 5PD 5 55.837182 -4.065167
G71 5PE 8 55.833698 -4.065752
G71 5PF 4 55.83561 -4.062991
G71 5PG 3 55.836702 -4.067537
G71 5PH 7 55.835479 -4.070494
G71 5PJ 0 55.840984 -4.098047
G71 5PL 0 55.841426 -4.086606
G71 5PN 1 55.838139 -4.072372
G71 5PP 2 55.841526 -4.071371
G71 5PR 23 55.837046 -4.086803
G71 5PT 2 55.834714 -4.066253
G71 5PU 1 55.835514 -4.067585
G71 5PW 15 55.836627 -4.072775