all postcodes in G72 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G72 0GW 63 0 55.771282 -4.096818
G72 0GX 29 0 55.774354 -4.095341
G72 0HA 8 1 55.786364 -4.099399
G72 0JJ 21 0 55.770304 -4.093577
G72 0HB 19 0 55.78326 -4.099599
G72 0HD 12 0 55.785048 -4.098579
G72 0HE 4 0 55.784586 -4.098015
G72 0HF 10 0 55.784073 -4.098287
G72 0HG 59 0 55.784557 -4.100482
G72 0HH 38 0 55.784183 -4.096586
G72 0HJ 6 0 55.784477 -4.094947
G72 0HL 28 0 55.783893 -4.095646
G72 0HN 20 0 55.783598 -4.094546
G72 0HP 8 0 55.783397 -4.095763
G72 0HQ 34 0 55.78473 -4.09668
G72 0HR 35 0 55.783284 -4.095565
G72 0HS 42 0 55.783036 -4.095361
G72 0HU 6 0 55.783676 -4.092556
G72 0HW 16 0 55.783534 -4.097221
G72 0HX 10 0 55.784061 -4.092114