all postcodes in G72 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G72 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G72 7JY 12 0 55.822205 -4.165219
G72 7JZ 35 0 55.818629 -4.162578
G72 7LA 10 0 55.823984 -4.166486
G72 7LB 9 0 55.823353 -4.166352
G72 7LD 6 2 55.818113 -4.16124
G72 7LE 8 0 55.818129 -4.16089
G72 7LF 1 1 55.81879 -4.159043
G72 7LG 12 0 55.818178 -4.159632
G72 7LH 6 0 55.819036 -4.157317
G72 7LJ 13 0 55.821846 -4.166684
G72 7LL 15 0 55.822706 -4.166843
G72 7LN 18 0 55.818715 -4.156166
G72 7LP 23 0 55.818515 -4.153728
G72 7LQ 34 0 55.818778 -4.158212
G72 7LR 32 0 55.818193 -4.15312
G72 7LY 26 1 55.819842 -4.155446
G72 7LZ 16 0 55.822983 -4.166954
G72 7NA 12 11 55.823297 -4.160362
G72 7NB 12 0 55.823494 -4.167015
G72 7ND 6 0 55.816578 -4.156526