all postcodes in G73 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G73 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G73 1SS 1 1 55.832141 -4.170514
G73 1SU 15 14 55.834485 -4.225899
G73 1SX 6 6 55.835907 -4.229255
G73 1SZ 2 2 55.836916 -4.230369
G73 1TN 1 1 55.832176 -4.221919
G73 1UB 3 1 55.833454 -4.215812
G73 1UG 4 1 55.833382 -4.228248
G73 1UR 36 0 55.828836 -4.221186
G73 1UZ 4 3 55.836839 -4.22618
G73 1XW 35 0 55.825214 -4.22818
G73 1YG 1 1 55.832141 -4.170514
G73 1LL 2 2 55.835204 -4.202707
G73 1NR 0 55.833384 -4.209739
G73 1NS 0 55.833946 -4.208957
G73 1AN 4 55.83431 -4.213178
G73 1JX 16 0 55.833441 -4.205527
G73 1DA 1 1 55.833217 -4.200516
G73 1DD 1 1 55.830714 -4.219217
G73 1DF 1 55.83164 -4.208251