all postcodes in G73 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G73 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G73 3DP 32 0 55.82743 -4.203462
G73 3DQ 19 2 55.826854 -4.20728
G73 3DR 16 0 55.827346 -4.20111
G73 3DS 10 0 55.826176 -4.203711
G73 3DT 1 0 55.826238 -4.205295
G73 3DW 24 1 55.827772 -4.206419
G73 3DX 43 2 55.827933 -4.210005
G73 3DU 16 0 55.82719 -4.206802
G73 3ED 30 4 55.824908 -4.210281
G73 3EE 32 0 55.824653 -4.209452
G73 3EF 32 0 55.824516 -4.208582
G73 3EG 10 2 55.823979 -4.207945
G73 3EH 44 0 55.825197 -4.208189
G73 3EJ 14 0 55.826054 -4.207999
G73 3EL 11 0 55.825894 -4.208421
G73 3EN 24 0 55.825354 -4.205979
G73 3EP 1 0 55.826176 -4.205243
G73 3EQ 8 0 55.824684 -4.207476
G73 3ER 1 0 55.825842 -4.204809
G73 3ES 28 0 55.824362 -4.205125