all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 1QT 0 55.765966 -4.202878
G74 1QU 0 55.766013 -4.20178
G74 1QX 0 55.765981 -4.199563
G74 1QY 0 55.766476 -4.198028
G74 1QZ 0 55.766364 -4.197225
G74 1RS 1 55.765818 -4.205611
G74 1BS 6 0 55.762537 -4.169864
G74 1BT 80 0 55.765363 -4.183332
G74 1ND 49 0 55.761712 -4.171778
G74 1BF 31 0 55.760874 -4.165292
G74 1HN 6 0 55.765626 -4.203815
G74 1HE 2 2 55.764827 -4.210242
G74 1BU 3 3 55.760896 -4.179036