all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 2EG 0 55.758024 -4.160719
G74 2EH 0 55.76121 -4.164068
G74 2EJ 0 55.761078 -4.162849
G74 2EL 0 55.759703 -4.163363
G74 2EN 0 55.759053 -4.160984
G74 2EP 0 55.759699 -4.162565
G74 2EQ 0 55.760022 -4.164145
G74 2ER 0 55.759937 -4.161319
G74 2ES 0 55.760529 -4.1614
G74 2ET 0 55.756553 -4.157514
G74 2EU 22 0 55.757263 -4.159036
G74 2EW 48 0 55.75939 -4.161783
G74 2EX 1 1 55.755842 -4.155499
G74 2EY 8 0 55.757226 -4.161648
G74 2EZ 11 0 55.756658 -4.16125
G74 2HA 26 0 55.75614 -4.16052
G74 2HB 18 0 55.757712 -4.163635
G74 2HD 30 0 55.753787 -4.153298
G74 2HE 34 0 55.753729 -4.151446
G74 2HF 36 0 55.753437 -4.152737