all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G74 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 3NQ 7 0 55.778614 -4.156118
G74 3NR 38 0 55.772825 -4.148002
G74 3NS 2 0 55.771491 -4.145397
G74 3NT 20 0 55.772334 -4.145249
G74 3NW 43 0 55.777109 -4.14921
G74 3NX 36 0 55.776669 -4.141421
G74 3NY 65 0 55.776017 -4.140699
G74 3NZ 25 0 55.776151 -4.139734
G74 3PA 35 0 55.776278 -4.139151
G74 3PB 43 0 55.776238 -4.137825
G74 3PD 36 0 55.777287 -4.136926
G74 3PE 44 0 55.777189 -4.138435
G74 3PF 43 0 55.777363 -4.1398
G74 3PG 66 0 55.778532 -4.137169
G74 3PH 37 0 55.778479 -4.140212
G74 3PJ 15 0 55.778959 -4.139505
G74 3PL 15 0 55.77933 -4.139828
G74 3PN 17 0 55.779401 -4.140406
G74 3PP 32 0 55.779143 -4.141827
G74 3PR 41 0 55.776107 -4.149968