all postcodes in G75 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G75 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G75 8JT 46 0 55.746204 -4.221776
G75 8JU 26 0 55.75003 -4.227858
G75 8JW 49 0 55.758319 -4.205825
G75 8JX 11 0 55.746586 -4.221001
G75 8JY 26 0 55.75307 -4.22827
G75 8JZ 42 0 55.753739 -4.228037
G75 8LA 20 0 55.760773 -4.193244
G75 8LB 44 0 55.761006 -4.192763
G75 8LD 12 0 55.761409 -4.1954
G75 8LE 1 0 55.760811 -4.195143
G75 8LF 13 0 55.761596 -4.196
G75 8LG 25 1 55.761168 -4.201794
G75 8LH 1 55.762769 -4.204754
G75 8LJ 0 55.762367 -4.205098
G75 8LL 0 55.762468 -4.20598
G75 8LN 0 55.76292 -4.205846
G75 8LP 0 55.762772 -4.207097
G75 8LQ 0 55.760837 -4.201744
G75 8LR 0 55.761392 -4.204104
G75 8LS 0 55.761648 -4.201088