all postcodes in G77 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G77 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G77 6PH 3 0 55.773479 -4.383275
G77 6PL 1 1 55.777524 -4.391813
G77 6PN 2 0 55.770304 -4.378503
G77 6PP 12 1 55.772547 -4.361005
G77 6PQ 1 0 55.779238 -4.37849
G77 6PR 4 0 55.7687 -4.349997
G77 6PS 18 4 55.763453 -4.364217
G77 6WE 2 0 55.766569 -4.3697
G77 6PT 2 0 55.760882 -4.371013
G77 6PU 3 0 55.757753 -4.388896
G77 6PW 1 0 55.769848 -4.372815
G77 6PX 2 1 55.778328 -4.358327
G77 6PY 1 0 55.749254 -4.391516
G77 6PZ 1 0 55.74872 -4.393985
G77 6QA 1 0 55.744574 -4.397348
G77 6QB 1 0 55.736515 -4.417356
G77 6QD 1 1 55.759927 -4.395899
G77 6QE 4 1 55.7643 -4.393792
G77 6QF 1 0 55.771301 -4.397506
G77 6QG 2 1 55.765495 -4.416074