all postcodes in G81 / CLYDEBANK

find any address or company within the G81 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G81 6PN 22 0 55.929886 -4.409729
G81 6PP 12 1 55.931027 -4.408839
G81 6PQ 14 0 55.926367 -4.413192
G81 6PR 3 0 55.931526 -4.408101
G81 6PS 1 0 55.930895 -4.406845
G81 6PT 15 0 55.929793 -4.407097
G81 6PU 1 1 55.934726 -4.402119
G81 6PW 10 0 55.930577 -4.409788
G81 6PX 8 0 55.9286 -4.405599
G81 6PY 4 0 55.926705 -4.405545
G81 6PZ 26 0 55.9274 -4.403555
G81 6QE 43 0 55.926353 -4.406068
G81 6QS 1 1 55.920524 -4.404954
G81 6QT 5 1 55.919951 -4.404854
G81 6QU 5 3 55.923829 -4.40279
G81 6QX 5 0 55.927143 -4.403347
G81 6QY 26 0 55.926846 -4.403409
G81 6RB 4 0 55.925897 -4.404598
G81 6RD 2 0 55.926135 -4.404534
G81 6RE 5 3 55.925949 -4.405162