all postcodes in G84 / HELENSBURGH

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G84 8XX 12 0 56.006717 -4.739513
G84 8XY 6 0 56.007759 -4.739554
G84 8XZ 6 3 56.008159 -4.741364
G84 8YB 1 0 56.007479 -4.738797
G84 8YD 1 1 56.004167 -4.736156
G84 8YG 7 0 56.007226 -4.741699
G84 8YH 6 0 56.008425 -4.741944
G84 8YJ 8 1 56.009962 -4.749626
G84 8YL 7 1 56.008307 -4.744438
G84 8YN 4 0 56.009457 -4.747681
G84 8YP 1 1 56.004167 -4.736156
G84 8YQ 2 0 56.007931 -4.741585
G84 8YT 4 0 56.071669 -4.785631
G84 8YU 1 1 56.004167 -4.736156
G84 8YZ 1 1 56.004167 -4.736156
G84 8DZ 6 0 56.007076 -4.742779
G84 8XA 1 0 56.004167 -4.736156
G84 8JS 0 56.011158 -4.755275
G84 8BT 6 0 56.032395 -4.79373
G84 8SF 1 1 56.008016 -4.760686