all postcodes in G84 / HELENSBURGH

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G84 9HF 14 0 56.007448 -4.70767
G84 9HH 20 0 56.008382 -4.706051
G84 9HJ 37 0 56.008176 -4.706871
G84 9HL 8 3 56.00836 -4.708759
G84 9HN 1 1 56.008739 -4.709106
G84 9HP 29 0 56.008828 -4.711521
G84 9HQ 15 0 56.007728 -4.706808
G84 9HR 4 0 56.016847 -4.735881
G84 9HU 4 0 56.008067 -4.732148
G84 9HW 37 0 56.008297 -4.711965
G84 9HX 2 0 56.008014 -4.731757
G84 9HY 2 0 56.008976 -4.731359
G84 9HZ 9 1 56.010152 -4.71877
G84 9JA 1 0 56.010497 -4.716997
G84 9JB 6 0 56.010245 -4.716995
G84 9JD 11 0 56.011862 -4.719066
G84 9JE 6 0 56.010615 -4.719364
G84 9JG 25 0 56.008185 -4.733729
G84 9JJ 38 0 56.018272 -4.733623
G84 9JN 2 0 56.008255 -4.733073