all postcodes in GU1 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU1 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU1 9PT 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9PX 1 0 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9QF 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9NQ 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9FL 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9JR 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9RA 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9RL 1 0 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9RN 1 0 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9RR 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9RU 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9TG 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9TR 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9TT 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9TX 1 0 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9UA 1 0 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9UB 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9UF 0 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9UG 0 51.245283 -0.582332
GU1 9UL 1 0 51.245283 -0.582332