all postcodes in GU10 / FARNHAM

find any address or company within the GU10 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU10 4SZ 20 0 51.190358 -0.809218
GU10 4TA 14 0 51.189049 -0.810425
GU10 4TB 7 0 51.190206 -0.811039
GU10 4TD 19 0 51.189753 -0.811566
GU10 4TE 4 0 51.188339 -0.811402
GU10 4TF 39 0 51.189218 -0.808446
GU10 4TG 1 1 51.188288 -0.809929
GU10 4TH 10 0 51.188555 -0.807819
GU10 4TJ 14 0 51.188614 -0.806558
GU10 4TL 14 0 51.1878 -0.807881
GU10 4TN 12 0 51.187352 -0.808923
GU10 4TP 21 0 51.186902 -0.810695
GU10 4TQ 12 0 51.189299 -0.807642
GU10 4TR 19 0 51.187481 -0.812798
GU10 4TS 6 0 51.187955 -0.812557
GU10 4TT 6 0 51.186664 -0.81289
GU10 4TU 35 0 51.189034 -0.813613
GU10 4TW 17 0 51.187355 -0.811842
GU10 4TX 3 0 51.188406 -0.813575
GU10 4TY 3 0 51.188313 -0.814966