all postcodes in GU10 / FARNHAM

find any address or company within the GU10 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU10 5BA 1 0 51.24407 -0.848806
GU10 5BB 12 9 51.245135 -0.849238
GU10 5BD 41 0 51.240199 -0.832958
GU10 5BE 18 0 51.240223 -0.831769
GU10 5BG 2 0 51.244911 -0.83222
GU10 5BH 3 0 51.244562 -0.832218
GU10 5BJ 18 2 51.243683 -0.831581
GU10 5BN 11 0 51.243112 -0.831953
GU10 5BP 11 0 51.245723 -0.837704
GU10 5BQ 3 0 51.244647 -0.832659
GU10 5BS 7 0 51.247218 -0.845188
GU10 5BT 13 3 51.253588 -0.84388
GU10 5BU 1 0 51.248312 -0.82599
GU10 5BW 15 0 51.242568 -0.830592
GU10 5BX 10 1 51.245148 -0.831472
GU10 5BY 4 0 51.251156 -0.824442
GU10 5BZ 8 0 51.246831 -0.824423
GU10 5DB 1 1 51.237351 -0.826899
GU10 5TL 8 0 51.238641 -0.828213
GU10 5DL 4 0 51.214478 -0.821883