all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 1AA 1 1 51.248633 -0.761118
GU11 1PF 21 0 51.249383 -0.763162
GU11 1AD 7 0 51.251486 -0.768966
GU11 1AE 14 0 51.251712 -0.769991
GU11 1AF 8 0 51.251733 -0.771123
GU11 1AG 31 0 51.252549 -0.770886
GU11 1AH 12 0 51.251895 -0.77195
GU11 1AJ 8 0 51.25185 -0.772825
GU11 1AL 15 0 51.25215 -0.773992
GU11 1AN 57 0 51.252059 -0.771386
GU11 1AP 15 0 51.252027 -0.775142
GU11 1AQ 31 0 51.253124 -0.769968
GU11 1AR 7 0 51.253028 -0.774556
GU11 1AS 8 0 51.253563 -0.774112
GU11 1AT 8 0 51.253058 -0.770543
GU11 1AU 14 0 51.252788 -0.768831
GU11 1AW 33 0 51.25247 -0.77278
GU11 1BA 63 7 51.248917 -0.761627
GU11 1BB 63 1 51.24954 -0.773803
GU11 1BG 62 3 51.249153 -0.76099