all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 1AY 1 1 51.254364 -0.76565
GU11 1AZ 16 0 51.24893 -0.758632
GU11 1DH 74 1 51.248992 -0.759389
GU11 1FD 6 0 51.249664 -0.763369
GU11 1LR 0 51.247548 -0.76397
GU11 1FE 0 51.248829 -0.766916
GU11 1UD 1 1 51.248753 -0.759725
GU11 1WF 1 1 51.249349 -0.768464
GU11 1WG 11 10 51.249626 -0.769187
GU11 1FA 0 51.249143 -0.765962
GU11 1HB 7 0 51.249843 -0.766899
GU11 1TD 8 0 51.249309 -0.76037
GU11 1FB 20 0 51.247895 -0.763603
GU11 1FF 6 0 51.24917 -0.766144
GU11 1FG 1 1 51.248352 -0.756795