all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 3LD 40 0 51.246699 -0.773202
GU11 3LE 12 0 51.245943 -0.77291
GU11 3LF 6 0 51.247957 -0.773097
GU11 3LG 8 0 51.246866 -0.77439
GU11 3LH 17 0 51.243496 -0.766801
GU11 3LJ 5 0 51.243628 -0.769161
GU11 3LL 11 1 51.243607 -0.773116
GU11 3LN 26 0 51.243067 -0.767056
GU11 3LP 25 0 51.242772 -0.773296
GU11 3LQ 30 0 51.247939 -0.768602
GU11 3LR 23 0 51.241511 -0.774747
GU11 3LS 28 0 51.24141 -0.77283
GU11 3LT 14 0 51.240134 -0.772965
GU11 3LU 23 0 51.239967 -0.771565
GU11 3LW 24 0 51.242989 -0.770797
GU11 3LX 19 0 51.240243 -0.768764
GU11 3LY 13 0 51.239868 -0.770737
GU11 3LZ 35 0 51.241591 -0.771278
GU11 3NA 5 0 51.246794 -0.779479
GU11 3NB 16 0 51.240691 -0.768638