all postcodes in GU14 / FARNBOROUGH

find any address or company within the GU14 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU14 6BA 11 0 51.274527 -0.750559
GU14 6BB 7 0 51.276027 -0.755493
GU14 6BD 20 0 51.276974 -0.755811
GU14 6BE 19 0 51.276467 -0.756313
GU14 6BF 1 1 51.273784 -0.752629
GU14 6BG 30 1 51.27733 -0.754637
GU14 6BH 1 1 51.272384 -0.755362
GU14 6BJ 1 1 51.271749 -0.754834
GU14 6BL 18 0 51.277097 -0.754604
GU14 6BN 17 1 51.279383 -0.749739
GU14 6BP 21 0 51.279228 -0.749571
GU14 6BQ 8 0 51.278169 -0.754026
GU14 6BS 10 5 51.277816 -0.749663
GU14 6BT 32 0 51.27604 -0.74917
GU14 6BU 15 7 51.275422 -0.749402
GU14 6BW 26 0 51.278681 -0.749672
GU14 6BY 10 0 51.276064 -0.75056
GU14 6BZ 1 1 51.274556 -0.749913
GU14 6DA 37 13 51.275276 -0.749979
GU14 6DB 6 0 51.278497 -0.752702