all postcodes in GU14 / FARNBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU14 7JZ 1 1 51.289896 -0.755749
GU14 7LD 1 1 51.290132 -0.756876
GU14 7LE 3 2 51.288976 -0.75643
GU14 7LF 1 1 51.289371 -0.755477
GU14 7LH 14 0 51.288067 -0.75795
GU14 7LJ 36 0 51.286922 -0.757722
GU14 7LL 36 0 51.286028 -0.758177
GU14 7LP 42 42 51.289155 -0.758031
GU14 7LQ 6 0 51.288341 -0.75672
GU14 7LS 2 2 51.296556 -0.754605
GU14 7LT 1 1 51.291012 -0.75754
GU14 7NA 11 11 51.295958 -0.752502
GU14 7NE 11 0 51.293242 -0.760119
GU14 7NF 15 0 51.292867 -0.760316
GU14 7NJ 1 1 51.296572 -0.754421
GU14 7NL 2 2 51.296636 -0.755449
GU14 7NQ 1 1 51.296575 -0.749631
GU14 7NR 1 1 51.293831 -0.756245
GU14 7NT 16 1 51.293947 -0.755324
GU14 7NH 42 0 51.296259 -0.752866