all postcodes in GU16 / CAMBERLEY

find any address or company within the GU16 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU16 8YP 16 0 51.309923 -0.726613
GU16 8YQ 31 0 51.310366 -0.726042
GU16 8YR 15 0 51.30937 -0.725381
GU16 8YS 6 0 51.310328 -0.724206
GU16 8YT 28 0 51.309122 -0.723278
GU16 8YW 8 0 51.311771 -0.722875
GU16 8YX 15 0 51.311765 -0.72563
GU16 8YZ 31 0 51.310988 -0.727
GU16 8UH 0 51.312301 -0.726203
GU16 8QD 1 1 51.318202 -0.736357
GU16 8AB 0 51.314628 -0.725952
GU16 8JP 9 0 51.316742 -0.741004
GU16 8AD 4 0 51.314232 -0.737611
GU16 9AP 4 0 51.309921 -0.733859
GU16 9AR 2 2 51.31087 -0.733543
GU16 9AS 30 0 51.310337 -0.731595
GU16 9AT 11 0 51.309695 -0.732933
GU16 9AU 14 0 51.310443 -0.730602
GU16 9AX 9 0 51.310063 -0.730412
GU16 9AY 3 0 51.309984 -0.729783