all postcodes in GU17 / CAMBERLEY

find any address or company within the GU17 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU17 9AA 27 17 51.331135 -0.778932
GU17 9AD 36 7 51.331489 -0.777473
GU17 9AB 18 18 51.333085 -0.777875
GU17 9AE 4 3 51.332632 -0.778507
GU17 9AP 2 2 51.330277 -0.778567
GU17 9AU 1 0 51.330439 -0.776814
GU17 9AX 31 2 51.33049 -0.77743
GU17 9AY 29 0 51.329663 -0.778342
GU17 9AZ 9 0 51.329119 -0.779648
GU17 9BA 31 0 51.328617 -0.778068
GU17 9BB 28 0 51.328261 -0.779298
GU17 9BD 21 0 51.329238 -0.777263
GU17 9BE 17 0 51.327609 -0.776244
GU17 9BG 17 0 51.326959 -0.775127
GU17 9BH 2 1 51.326053 -0.775321
GU17 9BJ 1 0 51.326596 -0.777376
GU17 9BL 3 0 51.326476 -0.777982
GU17 9BN 5 0 51.327801 -0.777416
GU17 9BP 8 0 51.327353 -0.780126
GU17 9BQ 9 0 51.328499 -0.776249