all postcodes in GU19 / BAGSHOT

find any address or company within the GU19 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU19 5BS 40 0 51.365636 -0.688884
GU19 5BT 10 2 51.35871 -0.695976
GU19 5BU 7 0 51.356911 -0.696716
GU19 5BX 10 0 51.357625 -0.697023
GU19 5BY 17 0 51.357679 -0.695388
GU19 5BZ 13 0 51.356505 -0.698233
GU19 5DB 16 0 51.358414 -0.695223
GU19 5DD 19 0 51.35726 -0.697338
GU19 5DE 13 0 51.356939 -0.695208
GU19 5DF 5 3 51.354955 -0.698693
GU19 5DH 38 0 51.355975 -0.699842
GU19 5DL 47 0 51.35894 -0.702059
GU19 5DP 26 0 51.35909 -0.698565
GU19 5DR 24 0 51.359675 -0.697011
GU19 5DS 1 0 51.357074 -0.698378
GU19 5DT 13 2 51.359409 -0.695683
GU19 5DU 9 0 51.358532 -0.697676
GU19 5DX 39 0 51.358373 -0.698829
GU19 5DY 47 0 51.357961 -0.700579
GU19 5DZ 39 0 51.357319 -0.699448