all postcodes in GU21 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU21 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU21 6GE 1 1 51.319839 -0.561724
GU21 6GH 1 1 51.320138 -0.560409
GU21 6GQ 1 1 51.320453 -0.55971
GU21 6HA 1 1 51.321868 -0.55559
GU21 6HJ 15 15 51.320737 -0.557271
GU21 6HR 30 30 51.320549 -0.55666
GU21 6HN 11 8 51.319779 -0.557536
GU21 6HQ 1 1 51.318723 -0.558688
GU21 6HT 3 3 51.318036 -0.562134
GU21 6HW 6 4 51.319594 -0.557206
GU21 6HX 4 2 51.319855 -0.556471
GU21 6JD 16 13 51.32102 -0.557583
GU21 6JE 18 0 51.316226 -0.569959
GU21 6JG 4 4 51.321273 -0.558378
GU21 6JH 5 3 51.32106 -0.55718
GU21 6JJ 5 0 51.320988 -0.557196
GU21 6JN 1 1 51.319278 -0.557752
GU21 6JT 4 4 51.317579 -0.562306
GU21 6JY 39 4 51.317642 -0.561558
GU21 6JZ 1 1 51.317611 -0.561894