all postcodes in GU21 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU21 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU21 8ST 11 1 51.313899 -0.596228
GU21 8SU 11 0 51.313958 -0.595025
GU21 8SY 33 0 51.314875 -0.597278
GU21 8SZ 35 0 51.31423 -0.598216
GU21 8TA 17 0 51.31109 -0.599632
GU21 8TB 14 5 51.312079 -0.597349
GU21 8TD 1 1 51.31196 -0.597884
GU21 8TE 18 5 51.312345 -0.598518
GU21 8TF 34 0 51.311427 -0.599995
GU21 8TG 36 0 51.311468 -0.601127
GU21 8TH 34 0 51.315112 -0.598261
GU21 8TJ 1 1 51.3118 -0.602691
GU21 8TL 1 1 51.313175 -0.601793
GU21 8TN 12 0 51.311947 -0.606608
GU21 8TP 17 0 51.311856 -0.607285
GU21 8TQ 40 4 51.312359 -0.603453
GU21 8TR 26 0 51.311383 -0.608332
GU21 8TS 42 0 51.310429 -0.607543
GU21 8TT 25 3 51.31241 -0.607727
GU21 8TU 30 1 51.311544 -0.609762