all postcodes in GU21 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU21 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU21 2QZ 79 0 51.310421 -0.624345
GU21 2RA 28 0 51.316708 -0.62147
GU21 2RB 7 0 51.317054 -0.620961
GU21 2RD 6 0 51.317129 -0.622006
GU21 2RE 4 0 51.312502 -0.626937
GU21 2RF 12 0 51.311954 -0.627011
GU21 2RH 36 0 51.31503 -0.622499
GU21 2RJ 20 0 51.31377 -0.627703
GU21 2RL 18 0 51.313319 -0.625349
GU21 2RN 3 0 51.310775 -0.626917
GU21 2RP 15 2 51.309443 -0.626827
GU21 2RR 18 0 51.313096 -0.62778
GU21 2RS 14 0 51.31245 -0.629435
GU21 2RT 6 0 51.313555 -0.628613
GU21 2RU 10 0 51.315587 -0.62244
GU21 2RW 38 0 51.312345 -0.628176
GU21 2RX 21 0 51.314112 -0.631567
GU21 2RY 28 0 51.315002 -0.628469
GU21 2RZ 23 0 51.315007 -0.628943
GU21 2SA 11 0 51.314869 -0.629449