all postcodes in GU22 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU22 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU22 8DQ 31 0 51.321265 -0.534585
GU22 8DR 10 0 51.32301 -0.536065
GU22 8DW 21 0 51.320502 -0.53613
GU22 8EA 42 0 51.323155 -0.539031
GU22 8EB 4 0 51.322789 -0.539352
GU22 8ED 10 0 51.32353 -0.540239
GU22 8EE 38 0 51.324132 -0.540909
GU22 8EF 29 0 51.324635 -0.540189
GU22 8EG 3 0 51.323695 -0.541209
GU22 8EH 36 0 51.323792 -0.538207
GU22 8EJ 29 0 51.325875 -0.537236
GU22 8EL 27 0 51.326243 -0.536421
GU22 8EN 8 0 51.3252 -0.537889
GU22 8EP 22 0 51.324913 -0.535803
GU22 8EQ 21 1 51.32459 -0.538727
GU22 8ER 40 5 51.324244 -0.532581
GU22 8ES 11 0 51.32417 -0.533129
GU22 8ET 51 0 51.322915 -0.533456
GU22 8EU 34 0 51.321552 -0.533786
GU22 8EW 22 0 51.325456 -0.536087