all postcodes in GU23 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU23 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU23 6DQ 0 51.298531 -0.499111
GU23 6DR 0 51.302676 -0.510201
GU23 6DS 0 51.301405 -0.510702
GU23 6DT 4 51.298331 -0.515721
GU23 6DW 0 51.301344 -0.509441
GU23 6DX 0 51.299096 -0.508711
GU23 6DY 0 51.297261 -0.500178
GU23 6DZ 0 51.29799 -0.499552
GU23 6ED 2 51.299418 -0.496787
GU23 6EH 0 51.293289 -0.501857
GU23 6EJ 0 51.294768 -0.500776
GU23 6EL 1 51.28503 -0.506442
GU23 6EN 0 51.293138 -0.499868
GU23 6EP 0 51.295059 -0.50309
GU23 6ER 3 51.293953 -0.502645
GU23 6ES 0 51.290233 -0.499102
GU23 6ET 0 51.291142 -0.500593
GU23 6EU 0 51.290129 -0.48964
GU23 6EW 1 51.293102 -0.501303
GU23 6EX 0 51.287417 -0.503267