all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

find any address or company within the GU31 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 4BB 0 51.011011 -0.922137
GU31 4BD 0 51.01208 -0.921015
GU31 4BE 0 51.013532 -0.918572
GU31 4BF 0 51.0075 -0.930514
GU31 4BG 0 51.012524 -0.91851
GU31 4BH 1 51.004593 -0.935171
GU31 4BJ 0 51.005374 -0.934027
GU31 4BN 2 51.007731 -0.92985
GU31 4BP 1 51.008542 -0.923492
GU31 4BQ 1 51.01176 -0.920093
GU31 4BS 0 51.009434 -0.921704
GU31 4BT 0 51.009273 -0.922805
GU31 4BU 0 51.008309 -0.920632
GU31 4BW 3 51.007649 -0.929114
GU31 4BX 0 51.009141 -0.919216
GU31 4BY 0 51.009536 -0.920148
GU31 4BZ 0 51.010635 -0.919424
GU31 4DA 0 51.011891 -0.918097
GU31 4DB 0 51.010985 -0.918318
GU31 4DD 0 51.009178 -0.918331