all postcodes in GU35 / BORDON

find any address or company within the GU35 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU35 0NX 12 1 51.122607 -0.845683
GU35 0NZ 14 0 51.120715 -0.842629
GU35 0PA 3 0 51.118084 -0.839395
GU35 0PB 10 4 51.119447 -0.835331
GU35 0PD 10 1 51.118092 -0.835694
GU35 0PE 27 0 51.116995 -0.840222
GU35 0PF 3 0 51.115967 -0.841719
GU35 0PG 30 6 51.116273 -0.843598
GU35 0PH 22 0 51.116833 -0.84567
GU35 0PJ 4 0 51.117306 -0.845315
GU35 0PL 4 0 51.117349 -0.843228
GU35 0PN 14 1 51.11749 -0.844753
GU35 0PP 12 1 51.118706 -0.845023
GU35 0PQ 1 1 51.116412 -0.84398
GU35 0PR 5 0 51.118923 -0.84606
GU35 0PS 9 0 51.119139 -0.846084
GU35 0PT 8 0 51.118832 -0.844473
GU35 0PU 5 0 51.119285 -0.844394
GU35 0PW 6 0 51.118369 -0.844545
GU35 0PX 23 0 51.12059 -0.844972