all postcodes in GU35 / BORDON

find any address or company within the GU35 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU35 0RA 20 0 51.154426 -0.849176
GU35 0RG 25 1 51.121388 -0.846142
GU35 0RN 23 0 51.12039 -0.847939
GU35 0RP 8 1 51.119333 -0.85118
GU35 0RR 19 0 51.118845 -0.850006
GU35 0RS 12 0 51.119725 -0.847998
GU35 0RT 7 0 51.117371 -0.850028
GU35 0RU 4 0 51.118403 -0.849874
GU35 0RW 4 0 51.120375 -0.850125
GU35 0RX 5 0 51.117961 -0.849713
GU35 0RY 15 0 51.118162 -0.847322
GU35 0RZ 9 0 51.11789 -0.846172
GU35 0SA 5 0 51.117572 -0.849423
GU35 0SB 5 0 51.117643 -0.848421
GU35 0SD 6 0 51.11775 -0.847433
GU35 0SE 10 0 51.118499 -0.849543
GU35 0SF 8 0 51.118771 -0.848836
GU35 0SG 10 0 51.118268 -0.848949
GU35 0SH 17 0 51.11715 -0.848605
GU35 0SJ 32 0 51.119589 -0.849687