all postcodes in GU51 / FLEET

find any address or company within the GU51 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU51 1BB 12 0 51.290045 -0.859617
GU51 1BD 11 0 51.290432 -0.86239
GU51 1BE 26 0 51.289327 -0.860682
GU51 1BF 22 0 51.289681 -0.861075
GU51 1BG 5 0 51.290747 -0.862411
GU51 1BH 3 0 51.290612 -0.861496
GU51 1BJ 19 0 51.291694 -0.861799
GU51 1BL 3 0 51.291109 -0.861785
GU51 1BN 22 0 51.291706 -0.860265
GU51 1BP 2 0 51.292668 -0.861214
GU51 1BQ 4 0 51.291021 -0.862892
GU51 1BS 3 0 51.292346 -0.860392
GU51 1BT 2 0 51.292259 -0.859933
GU51 1BU 28 0 51.291325 -0.859944
GU51 1BW 18 0 51.292354 -0.861295
GU51 1BX 1 0 51.292993 -0.861351
GU51 1DA 24 0 51.293775 -0.860342
GU51 1DB 17 0 51.293277 -0.860025
GU51 1DD 20 0 51.293106 -0.859126
GU51 1DE 14 0 51.293268 -0.858146