all postcodes in GU7 / GODALMING

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU7 2DB 1 1 51.198723 -0.627144
GU7 2DD 1 1 51.19901 -0.627064
GU7 2DE 7 1 51.19742 -0.623362
GU7 2DF 1 1 51.196821 -0.621347
GU7 2DG 1 1 51.196373 -0.621504
GU7 2DJ 1 1 51.196608 -0.62237
GU7 2DL 1 1 51.196608 -0.62237
GU7 2DN 1 1 51.196608 -0.62237
GU7 2DP 1 1 51.198712 -0.62849
GU7 2DQ 1 1 51.196466 -0.622053
GU7 2DR 1 1 51.198404 -0.628313
GU7 2DS 1 1 51.197558 -0.627451
GU7 2DT 1 1 51.197897 -0.627985
GU7 2DU 1 1 51.197142 -0.62722
GU7 2DW 1 1 51.19732 -0.620202
GU7 2DX 1 1 51.196821 -0.621347
GU7 2DY 7 0 51.199122 -0.622781
GU7 2DZ 9 0 51.195523 -0.615747
GU7 2EB 14 0 51.195441 -0.614962
GU7 2ED 8 0 51.19496 -0.614576