all postcodes in GU7 / GODALMING

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU7 3JT 10 0 51.196533 -0.601648
GU7 3JU 38 0 51.197234 -0.600854
GU7 3JW 9 0 51.196308 -0.601655
GU7 3JZ 5 0 51.196518 -0.602679
GU7 3LA 30 0 51.191602 -0.603686
GU7 3LB 16 0 51.190862 -0.607944
GU7 3LG 12 0 51.196806 -0.60798
GU7 3LH 28 5 51.196277 -0.606593
GU7 3LJ 26 1 51.196508 -0.607874
GU7 3LL 28 0 51.195988 -0.608777
GU7 3LN 32 1 51.196922 -0.60935
GU7 3LP 1 1 51.197207 -0.608383
GU7 3LQ 5 0 51.196615 -0.608487
GU7 3LR 3 0 51.196851 -0.607163
GU7 3LS 40 0 51.197471 -0.607144
GU7 3LT 16 1 51.19754 -0.605367
GU7 3LU 45 0 51.19834 -0.605343
GU7 3LW 2 0 51.196983 -0.608799
GU7 3LX 42 0 51.199253 -0.604285
GU7 3NE 26 0 51.196785 -0.60622