all postcodes in GU7 / GODALMING

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU7 3HA 45 0 51.192383 -0.608042
GU7 3HF 12 1 51.194116 -0.599589
GU7 3HG 21 0 51.19333 -0.597273
GU7 3HH 1 1 51.190529 -0.607182
GU7 3HJ 14 4 51.190397 -0.606192
GU7 3HL 1 1 51.190134 -0.605748
GU7 3HN 13 3 51.19035 -0.605292
GU7 3HP 9 0 51.190956 -0.604564
GU7 3HR 21 2 51.191821 -0.602714
GU7 3DN 14 0 51.19274 -0.600626
GU7 3HS 18 3 51.19242 -0.601372
GU7 3HT 39 5 51.192317 -0.60061
GU7 3HU 24 0 51.192959 -0.600104
GU7 3HW 38 3 51.19115 -0.605689
GU7 3HY 12 5 51.193217 -0.598364
GU7 3HZ 1 0 51.192907 -0.597736
GU7 3JA 3 0 51.193388 -0.598051
GU7 3JB 3 1 51.193019 -0.597346
GU7 3JD 6 4 51.193793 -0.598096
GU7 3JE 25 2 51.194345 -0.599124