all postcodes in GU8 / GODALMING

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU8 4BQ 14 0 51.139728 -0.570444
GU8 4BT 4 0 51.141198 -0.54992
GU8 4BW 5 0 51.122009 -0.543255
GU8 4BX 2 0 51.13293 -0.57086
GU8 4DB 5 0 51.153894 -0.617808
GU8 4DD 16 0 51.15387 -0.612775
GU8 4DE 17 0 51.158385 -0.613949
GU8 4DF 3 0 51.156233 -0.613391
GU8 4DG 7 0 51.155725 -0.612949
GU8 4DH 18 0 51.154514 -0.608681
GU8 4DJ 14 0 51.155468 -0.607222
GU8 4DL 15 1 51.153405 -0.618309
GU8 4DN 2 0 51.152472 -0.618816
GU8 4DP 16 0 51.148091 -0.61149
GU8 4DR 15 3 51.143589 -0.618659
GU8 4DS 8 0 51.141436 -0.616822
GU8 4DT 8 0 51.140015 -0.618337
GU8 4DU 4 0 51.136915 -0.624633
GU8 4DW 4 0 51.150533 -0.623399
GU8 4DX 1 1 51.136709 -0.627026