all postcodes in GU9 / FARNHAM

find any address or company within the GU9 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU9 8BL 1 51.210665 -0.78314
GU9 8BN 0 51.209472 -0.778458
GU9 8BP 0 51.211021 -0.778477
GU9 8BQ 2 51.211615 -0.789124
GU9 8BS 0 51.211737 -0.779002
GU9 8BT 0 51.213451 -0.779544
GU9 8BU 0 51.214564 -0.778512
GU9 8BW 0 51.210296 -0.778854
GU9 8BX 0 51.213532 -0.782133
GU9 8BY 0 51.212412 -0.781633
GU9 8BZ 0 51.212515 -0.784651
GU9 8DA 0 51.210429 -0.782101
GU9 8DB 0 51.207824 -0.800834
GU9 8DF 0 51.210625 -0.793162
GU9 8DG 0 51.213125 -0.787957
GU9 8DH 0 51.214801 -0.781413
GU9 8DJ 0 51.210982 -0.790318
GU9 8DL 0 51.210116 -0.790097
GU9 8DN 0 51.208919 -0.788253
GU9 8DP 0 51.207171 -0.784463