all postcodes in GU9 / FARNHAM

find any address or company within the GU9 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU9 0BD 0 51.231389 -0.809978
GU9 0BE 0 51.230906 -0.811051
GU9 0BG 0 51.23067 -0.811787
GU9 0BH 0 51.232722 -0.810216
GU9 0BJ 0 51.232847 -0.811001
GU9 0BL 0 51.233858 -0.810459
GU9 0BN 0 51.233178 -0.811723
GU9 0BP 0 51.234792 -0.811406
GU9 0BT 0 51.234101 -0.80955
GU9 0BQ 0 51.231698 -0.812061
GU9 0BS 0 51.235136 -0.810541
GU9 0BU 0 51.233734 -0.808886
GU9 0BW 0 51.230448 -0.81291
GU9 0BX 0 51.233269 -0.809987
GU9 0BY 0 51.231856 -0.809021
GU9 0BZ 0 51.23009 -0.807749
GU9 0DA 0 51.230745 -0.806787
GU9 0DB 1 51.231252 -0.806172
GU9 0DD 0 51.231391 -0.80836
GU9 0DE 0 51.231921 -0.805639