all postcodes in HA3 / HARROW

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Postcode Area

HA / Harrow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HA3 3BF 1 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3BJ 1 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3BW 0 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3BY 1 51.585229 -0.329664
HA3 3DH 1 0 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3DL 1 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3DY 1 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3ET 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3FG 1 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3FP 1 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3FR 1 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3GU 1 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3HN 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3HP 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3HX 1 1 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3JU 1 0 51.585228 -0.329686
HA3 3LE 1 1 51.585229 -0.329664
HA3 3LF 1 1 51.585229 -0.329664
HA3 3LG 1 1 51.585229 -0.329664
HA3 3LH 1 1 51.585229 -0.329664