all postcodes in HA4 / RUISLIP

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Postcode Area

HA / Harrow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HA4 8JY 17 13 51.5727 -0.422529
HA4 8LB 8 0 51.572918 -0.422681
HA4 8LD 3 3 51.571508 -0.421445
HA4 8LF 1 1 51.572163 -0.421214
HA4 8LG 2 0 51.572595 -0.423428
HA4 8LJ 38 20 51.57271 -0.423114
HA4 8LL 37 7 51.573374 -0.423697
HA4 8LS 30 16 51.574004 -0.424505
HA4 8ND 10 0 51.572932 -0.415681
HA4 8NE 17 0 51.572873 -0.4173
HA4 8NF 1 1 51.572758 -0.418169
HA4 8NH 51 0 51.572046 -0.422018
HA4 8NJ 43 0 51.572046 -0.422018
HA4 8NL 40 0 51.573862 -0.417294
HA4 8NN 4 3 51.573598 -0.415745
HA4 8NP 1 1 51.573526 -0.41377
HA4 8NQ 65 1 51.572756 -0.42053
HA4 8NR 18 8 51.574219 -0.413004
HA4 8NS 20 6 51.573836 -0.412599
HA4 8NU 10 1 51.574635 -0.410658