all postcodes in HA / Harrow

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Postcode Area

HA / Harrow

Postcode District

HA / Harrow

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HA0 1UE 26 4 51.541052 -0.291668
HA0 1SG 27 0 51.541951 -0.28997
HA0 1SH 34 2 51.541945 -0.287086
HA0 1SL 18 8 51.543025 -0.285315
HA0 1SN 40 0 51.543373 -0.284509
HA0 1SP 30 0 51.543679 -0.283257
HA0 1SQ 29 0 51.542117 -0.289647
HA0 1SS 24 8 51.542454 -0.279424
HA0 1SU 21 21 51.542889 -0.280907
HA0 1SW 8 0 51.543364 -0.285086
HA0 1SY 31 0 51.542779 -0.28381
HA0 1SZ 18 0 51.543262 -0.283042
HA0 1TA 38 0 51.54281 -0.281646
HA0 1TB 28 0 51.542329 -0.280135
HA0 1TD 40 0 51.542422 -0.283434
HA0 1TE 48 0 51.542211 -0.283154
HA0 1TF 24 0 51.541988 -0.284489
HA0 1TG 26 0 51.542033 -0.285079
HA0 1TJ 4 0 51.542353 -0.284245
HA0 1TS 12 0 51.542038 -0.296543