all postcodes in HD1 / HUDDERSFIELD

find any address or company within the HD1 postcode district

Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD1 9FT 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9FU 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9HY 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9LB 1 53.648438 -1.781545
HD1 9LD 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9LU 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9LX 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9JW 1 0 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9NB 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9NL 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9NW 0 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9PE 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9PG 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9PP 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9PT 1 0 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9PU 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9PW 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9QG 1 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 9RR 1 1 53.648438 -1.781545
HD1 9UA 1 1 53.644311 -1.78391