all postcodes in HD1 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD1 3LP 5 53.640409 -1.790087
HD1 3LT 5 53.640245 -1.787001
HD1 3LZ 0 53.638153 -1.793333
HD1 3NA 0 53.638695 -1.790276
HD1 3NE 0 53.638404 -1.794937
HD1 3NF 0 53.639011 -1.795885
HD1 3NG 0 53.639066 -1.796369
HD1 3NH 0 53.639572 -1.79478
HD1 3NJ 0 53.640315 -1.796272
HD1 3NL 1 53.640547 -1.795349
HD1 3NQ 0 53.639496 -1.795701
HD1 3PA 3 53.63964 -1.785522
HD1 3PE 1 53.638617 -1.786601
HD1 3PG 2 53.637858 -1.785804
HD1 3PJ 2 53.638259 -1.787525
HD1 3PL 3 53.638135 -1.788494
HD1 3PR 12 53.637431 -1.788408
HD1 3PY 1 53.635693 -1.790124
HD1 3PZ 6 53.636192 -1.789291
HD1 3QB 1 53.635871 -1.790926