all postcodes in HD4 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD4 5BJ 18 0 53.638638 -1.809575
HD4 5BL 11 1 53.638507 -1.812389
HD4 5BN 25 2 53.638561 -1.813932
HD4 5BP 2 0 53.638812 -1.813719
HD4 5BQ 27 1 53.638523 -1.807051
HD4 5BR 37 0 53.639525 -1.807877
HD4 5BW 9 2 53.639191 -1.812824
HD4 5DA 9 3 53.637835 -1.8079
HD4 5DB 18 0 53.636718 -1.806453
HD4 5DD 4 4 53.635113 -1.803118
HD4 5DE 6 1 53.636281 -1.802931
HD4 5DF 23 0 53.636669 -1.803716
HD4 5DG 34 0 53.637388 -1.803576
HD4 5DH 72 1 53.637443 -1.804211
HD4 5DJ 18 0 53.637532 -1.80577
HD4 5DL 12 0 53.638226 -1.80507
HD4 5DN 40 0 53.638165 -1.806325
HD4 5DP 17 0 53.636414 -1.807105
HD4 5DQ 32 0 53.636965 -1.803366
HD4 5DR 14 1 53.63599 -1.806169