all postcodes in HD4 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD4 6BJ 4 0 53.632453 -1.792923
HD4 6BL 35 0 53.63222 -1.793347
HD4 6BN 10 0 53.637281 -1.783583
HD4 6BQ 13 0 53.631542 -1.792414
HD4 6BW 23 11 53.633395 -1.791693
HD4 6BY 9 0 53.63763 -1.779363
HD4 6BZ 7 0 53.637768 -1.779557
HD4 6DA 23 0 53.636732 -1.779776
HD4 6DB 29 0 53.637165 -1.780635
HD4 6DD 20 0 53.636164 -1.781955
HD4 6DE 17 2 53.635662 -1.779494
HD4 6DF 15 1 53.635352 -1.780402
HD4 6DG 34 0 53.635185 -1.782187
HD4 6DH 29 0 53.63646 -1.781636
HD4 6DJ 70 0 53.634864 -1.783807
HD4 6DL 48 0 53.635149 -1.78417
HD4 6DN 27 0 53.633098 -1.786477
HD4 6DP 20 0 53.633468 -1.787368
HD4 6DQ 5 0 53.636495 -1.781031
HD4 6DR 31 0 53.632814 -1.788309