all postcodes in HD4 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD4 5HA 23 0 53.632298 -1.807622
HD4 5HB 24 0 53.632429 -1.807275
HD4 5HD 41 0 53.633065 -1.80579
HD4 5HE 28 0 53.633335 -1.804155
HD4 5HF 43 1 53.631986 -1.803692
HD4 5HG 27 0 53.632982 -1.802916
HD4 5HH 26 0 53.63206 -1.805174
HD4 5HJ 7 0 53.630678 -1.802822
HD4 5HL 6 0 53.630237 -1.802068
HD4 5HN 45 0 53.631079 -1.804392
HD4 5HP 5 0 53.630923 -1.80226
HD4 5HQ 43 0 53.631741 -1.802196
HD4 5HR 5 0 53.631138 -1.801806
HD4 5HS 25 0 53.631138 -1.812739
HD4 5HT 9 0 53.631719 -1.805236
HD4 5HU 11 0 53.632797 -1.81621
HD4 5HX 11 4 53.632731 -1.814289
HD4 5HY 10 1 53.631176 -1.81419
HD4 5HZ 36 0 53.630288 -1.81557
HD4 5JA 28 2 53.630118 -1.812124